Thursday 24 October 2013

Summer Brief Presentation Feedback

In this session we presented our summer brief to a group of 9 people, we were asked to keep it below 5minutes and at then end write on some post it notes the feedback of what we thought had gone well in the presentation, what we thought about the research that had been collected and what could be improved.  

The feedback given to me. 

After receiving the feedback we were asked to separate what we thought was good feedback, a ego boosting feedback and feedback that we feel could have been useful.

Helpful feedback

Have more detailed descriptions.

Include more design, set design, character design 

Look into more infographics

Look at figures and possible packaging design 

(this feedback is helpful because instead of just say it looks good or it looks nice which is no help at all, or saying that looks rubbish and not giving any constructive feedback, it gives a solution to what i can do to improve it, helping to to develop my presentation ) 

Confidence boosting feedback (ego) 

Good background knowledge on Lord of The Rings

Obviously love LOTR

Broad range of facts, well researched 

Nice drawing 

Aesthetics fit subject 

Personal opinion used throughout

( This feedback was good because it gave me a ego boots and made me feel good and confident about my work, but as for constructive feedback and giving me something to help me improve it was useless, so despite it being good to hear id much rather have someone tell me where i could improve and on what ). 

Could be useful feedback

No design or visuals to support research 

Lacked imagery to accompany info

( what visuals and what imagery should i have been looking at and where should i have been putting them into my presentation, these 2 comments are a bit vague, if they had a little more to them and gave me specifics then the feedback would have been much stronger and i could have used it to me advantage )

The point in the task

I felt the point of this exercise was to improve how we both assess other peoples work and how we then transfer that assessment into strong constructive feedback. It helps us to observe in a lot more detail and what we should and shouldn't say, for example, not saying the word 'nice' or the word 'good'.  

We then asked to select things we think we could do to improve out presentation and research.

  1. Include more design work within my presentation and research, character design, set design. Doing this will give a vast larger amount of things to look at and wont just focus on one aspect of design such as posters. 
  2. Look into more infographics. Infographics provide an interesting look into facts and figures and with the 3 films there is likely to be a large amount of infogrpahics becasue they are big films with lots of facts and figures to accompany them.
  3. Look at figures + possible packaging design, this will then give me the knowledge and material to create my own infographics. Also there is likely to be a large amount of packaging design out there that is related to Lord Of The Rings and some that could be related indirectly. 
  4. Maybe focus down, look at one film or one character, focusing down with give me a smaller but more detailed look at that part i choose to focus down on and i will gain a much stronger understanding of it.